October 15: Wadsworth Library Talk (Amy Mihaljevic) 7 p.m.
October 18-20: Creature Weekend 2019 (I’ll be talking about Ohio myths and monsters!), Salt Fork State Park Lodge. Link to the event.
October 23: Lorain Community College (true crime presentation) 6:30 pm. Link to more info.
October 24 Weymouth Country Club, Medina 11:30 (lunch and true crime presentation!) Link to the event.
October 26 Sherwood Forest Library, Detroit! (true crime) 3:30 p.m.
I enjoyed your reading from “It Came From Ohio…” and your presentation at Creature Weekend at Salt Fork State Park this past weekend.
Your work includes so much more than creatures in the woods and can’t wait to get into your books that I bought at the conference. Thanks for signing, too!
Thank you!!