Here’s what people are saying about the new season of The Philosophy of Crime:

For my fellow true crime fanatics thirsty for something more; a more introspective, varietal look at this phenomenon we call true crime, look no further. This is the podcast I didn’t know I needed. – Kristen32
People are polarized by Renner. I get it. Just listen. – SailorFamiLee
Initially, I was really intrigued by title of this podcast but was hesitant to listen to or subscribe after I discovered James Renner was at the helm. SO … here I am, years later, binge listening to one of the most well-thought-out and thoroughly researched podcasts I’ve ever listened to. – ssoozee
I could not stop listening once I started. It went from listening at work, to the car and kept going while making dinner. – G Lunn
I just heard of you today when I stumbled on Mile High Podcast with you as a guest. I then started your podcast series. I finished my 4th.
For me my true crime interest started with Court TV. I remember calling in sick at work to watch the OJ and Menendez Brothers trials. I’m still hooked. Court TV is not the same live coverage it was.
I am really enjoying your podcasts. You are relatable and interesting.
Thank you very much!